Friday, May 31, 2013

It's news, stupid. Er, it's stupid news.

Andrea Mobley, 36, and Jennifer Denise Morrow, 38, told the newspaper that stealing from a store was something they wanted to check off their “bucket list.”
Let me guess.  The next thing on their list was to spend the night in jail.  Win!

Maryland boy suspended for gun-shaped pastry is now lifetime NRA member

Ficker said the NRA membership gift was a great idea for the boy, who "is a good kid, a little rambunctious," because it would teach him proper handling of firearms. He said the boy's family does not own guns and the boy has never handled a gun.
So next time he makes a gun out of a Pop-Tart he won't get suspended for handling it incorrectly.

Poll: 17 percent of fliers don't mind diaper changes
After all, people eat on those tray tables.
I can say that there will be at least one less person eating on those trays in the future.

'Fake shops' open up ahead of the G8 summit

But officials have been accused of going too far after they plastered large stickers across boarded up shops in order to give them the appearance of still-thriving businesses.
Well, heck.  How do people expect the G8 to hold their little party, slapping each other on the back and congratulating each other on the fine job their doing if they actually see reality?
“These fake buildings are in every town and village in Fermanagh now. People are amused by them. No one is fooled. It is like when your mother-in-law is coming to visit and you give the house a tidy up.
 No one is fooled?  I'll be the G8 party-goers are fooled...

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