Thursday, January 17, 2013


For years I've been of the opinion that the education system has been in a state of steady decline.  I was wrong.  It isn't steady decline at all.  It's accelerating.

Today, I'm just going to post a few examples.

  1. A college student I know took and English Composition course.  80% of the final grade came from 2 argumentative papers.  Under the description for these papers was the following statement: "There will be no redoes for a better grade.  Learn from your mistakes and do better."  The first paper was a mess: too short, spelling and grammar issues, and not enough references.  I would have expected more from a sixth grader.  I would have given it an "F," but then, I am tough.  The grade? R=Redo!  Worse, I don't think he redid the paper, but he did pass the class.
  2. The same college student is currently enrolled in a Physics class for general education.  Grades are based on 3 or 4 multiple choice test scores.  The passing grade is 40%.  Sometime I'll figure out what the odds are of passing if I don't even read the questions.
  3. Another college class, I think it's History, has 4 exams, but, of course, the teacher drops the lowest score and then also offers an extra credit assignment, just in case I guess.
  4. A ninth grade girl was getting 100% on every homework assignment, but got "Fs" on every exam.  Come to find out the teacher had said they could "work in groups" on the homework.  So, she sat right in class, copying someone else's homework, and it was okay with the teacher.  It wasn't rocket science figuring out what she was doing, even not being there.  Her final grade? B.
You get the point.  Everybody passes.  And, worse, nobody excels.  As a parent, I can't make my kids even want to excel.  Why would they?  B+ is average... If a student just maintains a 2.0 GPA they get a grant that will pay all school expenses (at least at some state universities), and in the meantime, all they have to do is show up.  Forget about learning anything.  What's the point?  You'll just end up like me... frustrated by the lack of any rational thought in the world, unemployable because you actually can think (which makes at least some employers feel threatened), and powerless to change anything.

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